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CEC Calgary Events / Festivals Calgary Comedy Festival

: Calgary Comedy Festival
Date: April 28 - thru - May 13, 2006
Phone: 403 228 7888
Website: www.funnyfest.com

FUNNYFEST Calgary Comedy Festival, founded & produced by Stu Hughes, was conceived as a way to spread the gift of laughter by showcasing a world of hilarious stand up comics. FUNNYFEST is a true comedy event -- high brow to low brow and no sacred cows in between FUNNYFESToffers a diverse range of belly laughs!

FUNNYFEST is udderly ridiculous with no sacred cows. FUNNYFEST is a true smorgasbord of standup comedy.

Standup comedy provides unique, offbeat, and sometimes twisted reflections of the world around us. This form of humour often captures the truth beneath all the craziness of modern society, giving us a better understanding of who we are and how we fit into the master scheme (or don't fit in).

FUNNYFEST is produced by hard working & dedicated volunteers. Some of which have been in the circus, in a cult or in a coma.

In essence FUNNYFEST is all about the funny!

So come laugh with us Calgary!


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