Avoid Breast Cancer the Natural way

Breast Cancer, the two words every woman dreads to hear. Breast Cancer not only affects the victim, but also their family and friends. If you are looking for natural ways to keep this dreaded disease away, then you have stopped at the right place.

A look at some of the healthy ways you can keep your breast tissue healthy:

Make Fish Oil your friend

In 2010, a report in the Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention indicated a 32% reduction in risks associated with cancer when it came to women who consumed fish oil supplements on a regular basis.

Keep yourself in Motion

Whatever keeps you moving, do it, whether it is swimming, cycling, walking or running. A research result that was published in BMC Cancer indicated that women who were in motion at least seven hours a week were 16% less likely to develop breast cancer.

Drink that Tea

A 12% reduction in the risk of getting breast cancer can be achieved by a regular consumption of green tea. This is according to Martha Shrubsole from the Vanderbilit University School of Medicine in Nashville. Green tea contains the highest concentration of polyphenols which is a powerful antioxidant that helps fight off free radicals.

Munch on those Fruits and Vegetables

According to the American Institute of Cancer Research, all cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cabbage and broccoli will help kick out breast cancer before it even makes your breast home. Other recommended vegetables include darkly leafy ones such as spinach, kale and collards. Don’t forget to add tomatoes and carrots as well as fruits such as cherries, berries and citrus to your diet. It is best to eat them raw or have them steamed so as to preserve their cancer fighting ingredients.

Say no to alcohol or limit its intake

According to a Harvard Nurses’ Health study, breast cancer risk can be increased by as much as 25% when more than one alcoholic beverage is consumed in a day.

Chemical Exposure -- A big No

Marissa Weiss, who is a physician and the president of BreastCancer.org recommends using products that are made from glass, stainless steel, or ceramic as opposed to those made from plastic. This is because studies indicate that certain chemicals, most of which are found in plastic appear to interfere with the body’s hormonal balance and could harm the breast tissue.

Cut down on the fats

You need to cut down on trans fats and saturated fats and concentrate on consuming monounsaturated fats such as olive oil, in addition to those from nuts and seeds. According to the British Journal of Cancer, nuts and seeds provide selenium which is an important mineral in cancer protection